
Our house sits on a corner lot, and that little bit of street showing between the bushes is what’s left of an old driveway from when the house was built back in the 80’s.

Back then there weren’t so many people living in town or driving around, but the road has become a shortcut from one main road to another. It gets quite a lot of traffic, and backing out of that spot could get quite tricky.

The street runs in front of our house, but the driveway gets no use. You can tell by the “mature” bushes growing on either side of it! Another entrance was put in on the side street years ago, where getting out isn’t quite as risky.

These days we can have one or two accidents on our corner intersection each week, especially when traffic picks up during the summer tourist season. But today it’s almost quiet enough out there for me to stand in the middle of the road and take a picture! I’m not thinking I’ll attempt it, though.

I don’t know when the driveway got moved to the side street, but I understand why it did. Change needed to happen, and someone did something about it.

This season is forcing change on many of us, whether we are comfortable with it or not, excited or filled with dread. Yes, it’s a challenge, but wrapped up in that challenge is opportunity.

What challenges are you facing today that hold within them seeds of opportunity? What will you do with the opportunities that you have been given today? If you’re wondering what steps to take, I know Someone who can help you figure it out . . .

“Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation” (Psalm 25:4-5 NLT).

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